First natural birth


On 7/6/17 at 10:44am, we welcomed our beautiful baby girl into this world. It was an insane whirlwind of a labor. I went in at 6am to be induced at 41+1 and was only 1cm dilated. They started pitocin at 7am and the strong contractions started about 7:30. At 9, I was dilated to a 3. At around 10, my pain was kicking up so I asked for for something to relax me, but didn't want the epidural yet. They gave me Stadol in my iv, which just seemed to make me drunk. At 10:30, I was in so much pain that I called for the epidural. Within 5 minutes, while waiting for the anesthesiologist, I felt the urge to push and told my nurse it was too late for the epidural. They told me I was crazy since I was only a 3 an hour and a half ago. They went to check me before the epidural and saw that her head was beginning to crown. They rushed the doctor in and after 4 pushes our angel was here. Endorphins are a magical thing, because after delivering without an epidural, I was hardly in pain. We are so in love with our beautiful baby, and my doctor still can't believe how fast it all happened.