MY Shower


So guys, help me out.

I'm a work at home mom and have two active little boys. My days are pretty nuts, especially with summer break, but I wouldn't change a thing. My husband works outside the home and is usually home around 7; we do dinner, get the kids to bed and then attempt to clean up the disaster that is our living room. After everything, I usually grab a quick shower and head to bed (bed doesn't mean sleep 😜)

Husband will come and join me for a shower every so often. Normally, totally fine with it... However, what do I say to him when it's been an especially crazy day & I'm exhausted? By this time, he has already asked about my day, knows it's busy with the kids, work, et al.

I'm not saying no to sex, I'm saying no to invading MY 5 minute shower. Help!