Ended up getting Induced


My labor definitely didn't go as planned lol

But it was all worth it for my little princess. Aria Ortiz was born on June 9 2017 @ 2:28pm. Weight- 8lb 6oz 21 inches long.

My original plan was to go ALL NATURAL with no Epidural. My labor ended up being the opposite.

So I go in for my 38 week check up with contractions, they were not constant and would last about 1 min.

Got my blood pressured checked and it was super high my doctor sent me straight to the birth center to get induced.

I got admitted around 2pm on 6/8/17. Got induced around 7pm the RN recommended me get the epidural but my mindset was still No Epi. The contractions were getting stronger and super painful. My water broke at around midnight . By 1am I was begging for an epidural! When I rang up the nurse she said there were 3 girls ahead of me waiting to get it too I had to get pain meds thru my IV!!! I finally got my epidural at around 3am omg and let me tell you those were the longest hours of my life!! After I got the epi both my husband and I fell asleep until 11am. By 1pm my epidural started wearing off. And at 2:28pm my princess was born.

1st picture- June 9, 2017

2nd picture- July 4, 2017