A little rant

So frustrated.. about a week ago I felt like I was hit with a truck of all pregnancy symptoms and I'm still experiencing some

of them.. three days late on period. I haven't been able to test yet because we haven't been able to go get tests yet cause my husband works 7 days a week and has to leave to go to work at 3am in the morning. This has ruined my sleep schedule so I'm hardly getting any sleep anymore. I just feel so frustrated because I'm tired of all these symptoms and I'm tired of not knowing if I'm pregnant and I'm tired of not getting any sleep and having to get up at 2am..rant over, sorry ladies

P.S.** I have no car, so I can't go get tests and I have no one who can go get them or take me because I moved away with my husband. I've been doing my best to be positive this whole time but tonight it is just getting to me because I'm just so cranky getting hardly any sleep. Does anyone else just have days like this where they're just tired of everything??