Housewife rant


A lot of people for whatever reason think housewives are lazy. And that drives me up a wall. I start my day at 4 AM, waking my husband up, eating breakfast and showering. By 6 AM, I am down taking care of the animals (two goats, 10 ducks, 12 chickens) which takes at least an hour (fresh water, fresh feed for everything, collecting eggs) then its back up to the house to feed my house animals breakfast (which takes five minutes) then into cleaning (which usually takes 1+ hours a day) then it's out to the garden to weed and collect anything that's ready, water the garden. By then it's usually about lunch time. So it's time to go check on the farm animals again. 15+ minutes. Then eat lunch, work out and start prepping dinner. My husband gets home, dinner cooked, after we go swimming in the summer and then it's time to lock the animals up for the night. After that it's time to make my husbands lunch for the next day and go to bed. So my day last from 4 AM until 7 PM or so. And if that's being lazy I would hate to see what working hard is like.