Breastfeeding advice before the blues?


I'm 29. Just had my first baby on the 4th of July 🎇🎆A sweet baby girl🎀 I'm breastfeeding. But all my friends who have had children before me, never breastfed. I don't know anyone who has other than my momma and my grandmother.

She latched on right away 💪🏾 as soon as they placed her on my chest, as soon as I met her. Sometimes she likes one breast better than the other. But I take turns switching breast in feeding to relieve nipple pain. So far so good. Sometimes my breast fill so quick. They called me the "colostrum queen" in the hospital 😩😇 But I'm noticing my nipples are beginning to get sore. I need all the advice and nipple creams you've used that could help. I plan on breastfeeding for a year.

Thanks dolls 😘