Any mamas have difficulty pooing after childbirth?


I mean anything from pelvic pain to bleeding butthole, I've had it since giving birth 3.5 months (15 weeks) ago. Up until the last week or so, pooing has been so difficult for me. Lots of straining to get it out due to slight constipation even though I drink water all day long (I'm breastfeeding), causing what I eventually figured out through google was a big anal fissure, thanks to the stinging pain, during and afterward, and the blood being the biggest symptoms. I've been taking a mild breastfeeding safe stool softener since then. And that has definitely helped, but I'm still plagued by the pelvic pain. Like my pelvis aches, in the bones or something. I never anticipated these kinds of aftereffects of giving birth. The recovery is still going on, way longer than the general 6 weeks you're told it'll take. Please tell me I'm not the only one whose body is still getting over giving birth?