Ex boyfriend went from mad, to ignoring me, to almost flirting to now mad again?

So my ex broke up with me about a month ago. For almost 2 weeks I freaked out, followed him around work asking why, crying etc. I was a hot mess. And yes we do work together. Then I just dropped him. He went on vacation for a week and Monday was the 1st day seeing him. I didn't speak to him. I acted like he didn't exist. He was playfully snatching things out my hand and I just gave him a little smile and walked the other way. Then as I was pushing something down the hallway he's like "woah now don't go running me over" and laughs. He looks at me to say something but I just look him up and down and keep walking. So today he was trying to joke around again, pouring mop water on my legs, making sly comments but I refused to make any comment back or even act like he exists. I did however make a comment to the other guy working.... I asked if he got a certain game cause I need help. I was going to play over the weekend but I was out on a date. My ex did a whole 180. He started laughing really loud and stupidly when I would walk past him or in the room. And make comments like "I don't like liars". I'm stills ignoring him at this point. I go upstairs to study and him and the guy are up there. He starts laughing the says "yo lemme show you all the girls I'm talking to. Look another one. Oh and this one I hung out with. Yeah man I deserve it, I've had a rough time you know?" All while I'm sitting on my laptop. Didn't look his way, say anything even though I wanted to.... So as I was about to clock out he walks up. Stands there for a good minute or two not saying anything. I put my debit card in my bra because I was worried about it falling out my scrubs. He tells me "you know that's how you lose things right? Hahaha" I look at him. Next thing you know he gets pissed "oh not going to talk to me? I understand. Since you're calling me a liar! You know all I wanted to do was come talk to you and tell you I wanted to be friends but never mind!!!" In a very dull voice I tell him "oh I didn't call you a liar and when did I call you this?" He tells me it doesn't matter. So I just shrug my shoulders and say oh I still didn't call you a liar but whatever. So we get on the elevator and I tell him I really didn't call you a liar. He says does it look like I give a f**k? I shrug my shoulders again and say I really could care less. Okay. So I'm assuming he's a tad jealous?