Help! New period problems!


I'm posting this is two different groups because I'm not sure what to talk to my doctor about. I'm 24 years old and slightly overweight. Over the past couple years my periods have been getting very irregular. The longest gap between them has been over 90 days. Sometimes my cramping feels fine. Slightly painful but nothing major. But occasionally I get cramps so bad my entire day is halted.

Today I got my period. It's been about a 45 day cycle. The cramping has been so bad that I can't keep any food, liquid, or pain meds down. I'm having hot and cold flashes and sweating profusely. Tremors have been coming and going and I've passed out a few times from the pain.

My grandma had cervical cancer when she was younger, and my older sister was recently diagnosed with endometriosis. My mom said that she's had many very painful periods in her life too. That's the only family history I am aware of.

I'm torn between asking my doctor to check me for endometriosis and pcos because I struggle with weight loss and body hair, while my sister with endometriosis does not. Any advice and how you approached this with your doctor would be appreciated! And any tips on getting through the pain would be a god send!

Thank you in advance!