I need serious help please advice

Dee • 31, SAHM🤷🏻, Bibliophile📖, Foodie🍕🍔🍟, Sitcomholic🤣, Potterhead☇

This is a bit long so please bear with me. I'm a first time mom. My LO is 9 months old now. she has always been a very tough baby to handle. she wouldn't latch on so had to pump and feed her. My milk supply sucked big time so switched her to formula. she was colicky , had the worst case of spit-ups, she sleeps during the day stays awake during the night. very clingy and needy with me, doesn't wanna stay with her dad even for 10 minutes. No one said that parenting is cakewalk I know but there are so many things I am finding difficult to cope with. My arms hurt a lot as I have to carry her in my arms to soothe her for hours together else she screams bloody murder. I was a very calm and patient person before I became a mom. But now I am losing my temper very easily, I don't even feel like eating even when I am starving. All i wanna do is sleep or rest but I can't. I just want some advice on how to deal with this. On top of this my husband hardly helps. He hates to change diapers, he says he is tired from work and prefers to lie down and watch tv till he sleeps. I have to cook clean and all managing her simultaneously. I am a stay at home mom and I don't have much help around as both my parents and in-laws live in an another country. Please tell me how to get a hold of myself. I wanna be a good mom to her. I feel horrible that I find this whole motherhood hard and difficult to deal with. I love her but I need help.😔😣