

I'm meeting with my RE in a month to discuss possible <a href="">IVF</a>. I'm skipping all the Clomid and <a href="">IUI</a> stuff, from what I understand, because my hypothalamus is not functioning and my estrogen, at last count, was 11 and my FSH is also low. My OB said he thought the most likely scenario would be <a href="">IVF</a> with FSH injections. I'm terrified of getting pregnant and having it not stick. I already cried all day Monday and that didn't even involve losing a baby I had grown attached to. That was just losing the idea of conceiving naturally (or at all). I'm so scared. Does anyone here have success stories? Or has anyone had similar reasons for requiring <a href="">IVF</a>? My doctor said that my hypothalamus probably decreased function when I had an ED in college but that normally the hypothalamus can recover afterwards and we may never know why mine never recovered 😞 I could use some uplifting success stories or ladies in the same boat that I could talk to. All of fertility ladies gotta stick together 💗 someone told me that recently and it's so so true. Baby dust to all of you!