Husband kissed another girl

My husband and I were rocky for a long time. Well over a year. We got together way too young (15) and had a baby a year later, got married 4 months after that.. right out of highscool he joined the army and left for 6 months, so our entire relationship has been rushed. During the first year, it was on stop fighting , screaming, cheating (never physical)

I treated him like shit, he did the same.

Fast forward 5 years and here we are. The last year has been rough and I used the word divorce a lot. Our second child was a stillborn and I became very suicidal, which is what triggered the rough part because I refused to get help. Anyways, one day we were at a gas station and we weren't fighting, but he kissed a girl on the cheek, got her number, and all that. We began fighting, screaming, I was pregnant (he didn't know) and I had a miscarriage that I blame on the stress.

He texted her a few days later saying he couldn't stop thinking about her, she was beautiful, our marriage is over, all that. So we took some time apart, I contacted her and was very polite, she said she didn't know he was married and she wants nothing to do with it and we both apologized to eachother. After some time apart, we talked. He blocked her number and told me that he just felt so alone and wanted someone to care for him and notice him. He said he was being selfish and he liked that someone was giving him attention.

It's been about a month now, we've been great. He has changed, we start counseling soon, he treats me like a princess, he never goes to that gas station anymore, he lets me see his phone whenever. There was a few times that I broke and screamed at him for what he did and he just listened and didn't fight back. I really want this to work. I just can't help but wonder what to do. I can't stop thinking about it. And I know everyone will say "either move on or leave"

I'm really trying here. I just need some encouragement, some stories from others. There's hope right? I've made it very clear to him that the moment he even steps cross that line, I'm packing everything and leaving him, no exceptions.