fake bestfriend


So basically I've had a friend for 3 years and me and her had really different mindsets. Sometimes this would cause us to argue but we always remained friends bc deep down I do really love this girl. She's extremely stubborn and likes to act tough. This is just background information for the story I'm about to tell. So one night one of her friends tells me she doesn't like me and blah blah blah like girls do. She said that my bestfriend had said that I was talking about her!! I was shocked bc this isn't like my bestfriend to do. Keep in mind I had said nothing about this girl.The girl also said my bestfriend had told her personal stuff about me and I knew it was true bc the stuff the girl brought up was only things I had told my bestfriend. I texted my "bestfriend" and at first she denied but later said that all of it was true. We talked about it for a little but ultimately she told me she didn't wanna be friends anymore. I haven't been myself since the situation and it sucks. I mean it's probably for the best because her and I had such different mindsets. I know I won't be talking to her again unless I text her bc she tries to act all tough. Ugh idk what to do