strange pain (i'm sorry it's so long)


i have ovarian cysts, or had, i haven't been to the gyno since may and i had them then, i'm not sure how long it takes for them to go away (i started the pill to take care of them). i was on vacation a few weeks ago in june and i was just laying in bed on the phone with my boyfriend like i always do at night. i was lying on my side, nothing weird, and all of the sudden i had this awful pain. he had gone to use the bathroom and left his phone on his bed, and he came back and i wasn't talking and he asked if i was okay. i just started crying. i tried so hard not to but it hurt so bad. i was shaking and i couldn't roll over or anything because it hurt. i'm not sure how long it lasted, he guessed around 10-20 minutes. it wasn't on the sides like the pain from the cysts were, it was more in the center??? i don't know if it wasn't uterus or? then today i was in the mall with him waiting for him to finish checking out and all of the sudden the same type of pain started again, only much milder. he could tell i was a little off and said "are you alright?" and i said "i'm hurting" and he knows what kind of hurt when i say that. he sat down with me until it stopped; there wasn't a whole lot he could do.

i need to make another gyno appointment, i know, but i don't know when i'll be able to. i'm really worried about this though.

side note: i had just ended my period a few days before the first time, not sure if that's related or not, <a href="">eve</a> & glow say i'm supposed to start my period this week, but my cycle hasn't adjusted to my pill yet and my periods aren't when they should be.

i'm sorry this was so long, and thank you to anyone who replies. my mom isn't really in the picture and this community is the best/only girl advice i get, so thank you all so much.