Just wanted to put this out there
This is going to be a long post FYI.
My husband and I started trying for a baby 9/29/16. I have had irregular cycles (which if you have you know it's kind of hard to track some things). Just in general was hard to track. I never had signs of ovulation. The only time I knew for sure is opk's. After a while I stopped using them (apparently subconsciously stressed me out). Back in January I had an appointment with an Ob-Gyn due to previously having a hemorrhagic cyst on one of my ovaries. I wasn't going to let a stupid cyst stop my from having a baby. My doctor order cycle day 3 blood work; which came back all normal (I had to wait until February to do it, long cycles). My doctor and I had a plan if things didn't happen in X amount of time (due to my cycles). In April I had gotten dear AF. I was devastated. The next month I "stopped" trying. Let's jump to May. At the end of what I was guessing was my TWW I decided to take a home pregnancy test. Thinking to myself "it's going to be negative. It's always negative". I looked down and there THEY were. Two lines. I was so excited. Finding out we get to start our family right before our wedding anniversary and my husbands birthday.
We had gone to our first prenatal appointment with my doctor's nurse. Just confirming I was pregnant. That was when I was 7 weeks.
Let us jump to this last Friday (7/7/17). Had an appointment with my Ob, see how everything is going and what not. And we got to do an ultrasound. My mom went with me because my husband had to work. We were so excited for the ultrasound. I was 11 weeks and 5 days. My doctor started with an abdominal ultrasound and stated that I should go to the bathroom and empty my bladder. I part of me knew something wasn't right; but I didn't know what it was. My doctor then did transvaginal ultrasound. As I was laying there he tells me that the baby is only measuring at 9 weeks which doesn't add up to my dates. Then he proceeds to tell me that it looks like baby stopped growing at 9 weeks, no movement, and no heartbeat.
I had to make such a heartbreaking phone call to my husband and tell him what was going on. We also had to decide if we wanted to do the medication or D&C; to "finish" the miscarriage. My husband and I decided to go ahead with the surgery due to our reasons. It was one of the hardest but calmest decision we have ever made.
This last Tuesday (7/11/17) we went in for surgery. Everything went well. Doctor sent out some of the tissue from the baby for biopsy; so maybe we can figure what happened.
Family and friends have been asking me "how are you doing" or "how are you feeling". My response is " I am doing as well as expected physically/emotionally".
Thank you for taking time to read this. Like I stated I needed to get this out.
So pretty much the miscarriage was a fluke. No rhyme or reason. I truly some of it was due to stress that I have at work.
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.