Kid Accidents


So my daughter keeps having accidents. I'm not quite sure what to do. I might not have always had the proper reaction but I'm just all tapped out of ideas.

So for starters, when it first started happening she was 4 and I was pregnant. I figured it was because of the new baby but now my son is almost one and it's still happening. I've taken every approach from spanking, verbally scolding, being nice and nurturing about it, helping her clean, ignoring it, and making her clean it on her own but still it happens.

I'm now starting to think it's an issue of her possibly having ADD or even being slightly on the autistic spectrum.

A few months ago I started monitoring how she interacts with others as well as her behavior immediately before and after she has an accident. So what I observed was that for starters, she always seems distracted when she has to pee, I have to remind her to go to the bathroom but usually, it happens while watching tv or playing with toys. It doesn't really happen in social settings; throughout the school year it's happened only 3 times and almost never when we are outdoors.

Knowing that it happens the most while she watches tv or plays with toys, I've tried to limit her screen time and play time but that hasn't quite helped, she'll then do it when she's playing with her brother or getting her hair done, or even reading. It's like she's not able to focus at all when she's at home. In school, she's phenomenal, her teachers say she's well beyond some of the children grades ahead of her.

I'm just so confused and lost, our pediatrician doesn't think she's displaying symptoms of ADD or Autism. She thinks it's still an adjustment to being an older sibling but most parent say this stage is lasting way too long for us, it's been almost 2 years.

If anyone has any insight, I'd really appreciate it. I'm just at a loss at what to do.