Not finishing high school? Recurring

I always dream that I didn't finish high school.

I graduated, never held back, 66th in my class of just under 2000 students. I graduated 2010 and went on to college, workforce, etc. I am now married, a SAHM, and on disability due to severe mental illness.

In the dream I'm the age I am now (25) and I have to go back to high school because I never finished. It ALWAYS feels very real and when I wake up I start to dread that I'm waking up to get ready for school. It's weird because the students I went to school with are still there,but they are high school ages where I'm 25.

I don't have Facebook and I've cut off all contact with anyone I knew from high school (I spent more time with people I knew elsewhere- church mostly) so it's not like I think about these people, ya know?

I'm not sure what it means.

In most of them I go to a locker that I know is mine but have an incredibly dramatic breakdown when I can't remember the combination to open my locker.

Idk why I have this recurring dream. Any ideas?