Swapping from BF to formula


I am hoping someone else may have gone through this. My background story is that my little one is 8.5 months old and I have breastfed the entire time. Until recently which I started to express two out of his four feeds so he would get used to a bottle for when I go back to work. I am now at the stage where he is drinking the bottle with no problems. Here is where my problems lie. Firstly I HATE pumping. It takes up so much time. Secondly bcoz it takes up so much time I'm already worried about how little time I am going to have with my little man after work to then b pumping amongst everything else. Thirdly I can pump at work if i want too however to do so there is SO much i need to take to work (and it will all b stored in a communal fridge) and then i have a 1.5hr commute home walking/driving with all of it. So I am now considering swapping to formula (as i wrote that line i got tears in my eyes). I know formula is fine for him but i have BF for so long i am nervous about changing. I love BF (even if its in the bottle its still mine). I also know nothing about formula. How much to give, heated not heated, etc.. So I guess my questions are how did ur bubs go with the change? Did u notice a difference with urself and/or bubba? Did u try keeping a breastfeed such as morning or evening and if it works with giving breastmilk for one feed, formula for others and if it didnt work why?... any advice or some sort of support is much appreciated and if you did get to this part im so sorry its so long but thank u for getting here. My head is all over the place at the moment.