Child care

KK • A busy momma of 4 👶🏼. who works hard 💉. Is a travel feen. loves ☕️ , 💪🏼 🏋🏼‍♀️and her 2 😻. While loosing sleep to spend endless hours on glow. 💁🏼‍♀️

Okay so I live in a rural area in Ohio, I work part time about 20 - 30 hrs a week and I make a little over $30,000 a year. My hours and days are not really consistent because I work prn. I am wanting to hire a babysitter to help out with my children on Mondays and Fridays 9-5, he or she would be with my newborn and 2 year old all day and my 4 year old for only 4hrs. Do you ladies think $10/HR is enough ? Id be spending around $700 a month in child care. Which is literally a 1/3 of what I bring home. What is everyone else spending on child care ? I'm trying to figure out what I should pay. 😬 TIA