Possible miscarriage?


Usually my period is very on time. If anything maybe a day early or late, according to when apps say it should be, but I can always tell about two days before it comes. Anyways, last month I was having a lot of pregnancy symptoms, but I didn't realize it for a while. Peeing very often or feeling the need, larger breasts, slightly emotional, constipated, etc. I was trying to think why I was being emotional and then I thought of everything else and then t hit me that I may be pregnant. It was very possible.

Anyways, my period is supposed to start in 3 days, but it started today. The only reason I say possibly miscarriage is because yesterday I was under a lot of stress. I had to tell a friend that their girlfriend was cheating on them, got in a slight car accident, found out I may be kicked out of school because of a financial miscommunication... yeah

This morning I woke up to really bad cramps. I usually don't have cramps, and if I do then they are more of a dull ache, not sharp pain. And the blood looked different than normally for me. When I went to put in a tampon, it hurt. That's never happened, even the first time

If it weren't for my period supposed to be starting so soon, then I would know, but because it is I have no clue.

Any thoughts or advice?

Ps. didn't take a pregnancy test. Usually I would to know whether I was or not, but this time I was scared that I wouldn't be.