Cry It Out Method!

So I've started the cry it out method at night. I was doing the going in at 3 minutes then 5 then 10 and so on. Well every single time I went in there she got worse! I finally stopped going in and it took 30-45 minutes for her to finally go to sleep and she slept through the rest of the night. Well the second time I did it I just didn't go in there at all and it took her 15 minutes to go to sleep and she had no tears she just whined the entire time (I have a video monitor so I could see her) not going in every other minute seemed a lot quicker but all my research nothing says anything about just not going in. Is this okay???? I'm worried I'm being mean but I'm also concerned my SO and my presence in the room then leaving only upsets her.

I DO NOT WANT NEGATIVE ADVICE ON HOW THE CIO IS TERRIBLE AND I SHOULDNT DO IT. WE HAVE BEEN TRYING TO GET HER TO SLEEP ON HER OWN SINCE FOUR MONTHS AND SHES NOW NINE MONTHS OLD. WE HAVE TRIED EVERY OTHER OPTION!!!!!! NOTHING IS WORKING AND OUR PEDIATRICIAN KEEPS INSISTING TO DO THE CIO SO THATS WHAT WE ARE FINALLY GOING TO DO. I haven't slept in two weeks because she wants to be continuously rocked or bounced or something. I'm up every 30 minutes trying to get her back to sleep. This is our last resort! So no negativity