Pregnancy symptoms?

Hiya Guys, just wanted to check if anyone thinks there could be a chance I could be pregnant, I had a miscarriage about 2 months ago, the doctor told me that my period should go back to normal 4 weeks after I stoped bleeding,for the last month I have been having extremely strange craving, I'm constantly bloated and feel drained all the time, I have also been having nausea and at one point i could not keep anything down, when it came to the time my period was due I took a pregnancy test to make sure as me and my partner have been trying however it was negative I was then late for my period by a couple of days so I took another one, it was also negative I finally had my period but it was not like a normal period it was extremely light and the blood was more brownish than red, i am now 2 weeks on from my period and I'm still having all the same symptoms I don't know what to do as I don't want to take another test and it be negative again,