I met a girl

I'm posting this because i need to tell someone or get it off my chest. so i've been going out with this guy for a few months now, the relationship isn't exactly a healthy one it's pretty toxic. We know we should break up but i just can't do it, and he isn't going to unless i do. we live in the same street, work together and do mechanics together, it's impossible to not see each other around basically. So there's this girl, who i know must fancy me (bcos of obvious flirting and looking at me etc.) and i've came to develop a crush on her, my boyfriends realised and said he can tell, i can't help it, there's something about her that gives me butterfly's. i don't get that with my boyfriend anymore, it feels forced but it can't seem to break off. whenever she's mentioned i smile, i can't help it, i can't stop looking at her and she makes me really giddy. I dunno what to do, i just needed to get this off my chest