5 days late and feeling a little funky..advice?

So I've been tracking my period on here for a year now, and though my periods are slightly inconsistent, they are never more then 3 days late. My husband and I aren't necessarily trying to conceive just yet (though we would love a bfp) but not doing a whole lot to prevent it (pull out method, we have been together 6 years and have always done so). I took a pink first response test on day 2 and it was BFN. and then on day 3 with first morning urine(tmi) and it was also negative. I am now 5 days late. been feeling a little crampy but not as extreme as my usual menstrual cramps, super sore breats, on and off head aches, and dizzy here and there. Also, (tmi) on day 4 when I wipe I had some little stringy brown stuff? and today day 5 have had a verrrrrry light pink when I wipe but now nothing...trying not to get my hopes up or jump the gun on testing again if I'm just having a weird cycle.... would love a BFP though. any advice?