About to sleep

Aimee • Analiese born: September 3rd 2017 Maia due: December 16th 2018 21 and married 💍

My husband is in Alaska for a det and he's 4 hours behind me it's currently 3:44 am here and 11:44 pm there he face times me to lay down and go to sleep together and just as we are both laying down his am1 calls and says he's a duty driver for the night 💀 like we were comfortable asf closing our eyes and about to drift off into dream land and then he gets a random call from his am1 saying he is the duty driver for the night 😭 like why tf they call so late I don't understand 😂 we are both so frustrated right now but I'm up waiting for him because he asked me to, it's become our thing to fall asleep together at night because that's the only way we both are comfortable 😂😂😂