After 7 months here is my birth story. Long read!
My due date was December 14th 2016 I was 39 weeks pregnant and soooo tired my baby seemed big and was hurting me I was over being pregnant. So Saturday after a long week of school I relaxed with fresh ginger tea and a warm bubble bath, after I started have contractions but my Boyfriend just said till they hurt we wasn't going because I got sent home last time. But around 4am those contractions were getting to me I couldn't sleep at all so I woke him up and said I NEED to go. So we get there around 4:30 and they check me, my contractions weren't close enough they were going to send me home but my blood pressure was high so they wanted to keep me to do vitals every 30 minutes, it still was high so the diagnosis was pre-eclampsia. So I had to get induced that took all day I had to wait for a room since 7am so Finally at 12 noon we got into the room and took another hour to start the process they put a string to help me dilate that took forever then they started another medicine through the iv, another day nothing OB wasn't scheduled but came to check on me since it was my first child and I told him I been here almost 2 days and nothing so he made them brake my water after that contractions came harder and I started dilating fast, I had a fever from the epidural and was out of it..... later that night I was 9 centimeters but wasn't thinned out enough so they gave me the ball to put between my legs so I could help.. that 30-40 minutes I did that I had the urge to push so bad but nooo the doctors told me I wasn't ready but I knew I had to get this baby out. They checked me and was like "oh you're right" so they put the bed into position and I pushed for 40 minutes then my daughter was born. She had to go to the NICU because from my fever they had to check her for infections. I had a 3rd degree and bilateral tear and needed 40 stitches because she came out with her arm covering her face and I needed a blood transfusion from all the blood I lost. I was in the hospital from Sunday December 10th 4am till December 15th 1pm. December 13, 2016 2:17am Gabrielle Ann Lopez was born at 7lbs 6.9oz and 20 1/2 inches long.

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.