Is it too soon??

My husband and I met when we were 16. We were both sophomores in high school. (Long story short, I moved out and finished high school while working full time so I can live on my own. We've both partied and been with plenty of people, so when we met we were more focused on college than getting drunk and hooking up.) We started dating and we moved in together at 17. His mom and him are close and I don't talk to my parents. We got married when we were 18 and we're both 20 now. He's in the Air Force and I'm going to school for psychology. I've never been on birth control and we haven't exactly been NOT trying. We both have good healthcare, great jobs, a beautiful home, and a loving dog. Our life is close to perfect and I'm so happy. In our minds, if I got pregnant we wouldn't be unhappy. Our families (his dad is very judgmental, and my entire family is as well) have told us that we are moving too fast and that we've always loved too fast. We dated for 2 years before getting married and like I said we're not necessarily trying. My question is- ARE we moving too fast? Should we just take it slower than we have been? Should I get on birth control and focus on my career first?