heres to high hopes after loss

shelby • I have a son named leviticus (07/28/18) and a daughter named acacia (01/11/20). They are both my entire world.

so .... my first pregnancy with my husband, we both were aware my period was late we were shopping at the on base px and walked by some tests and I said hey babe maybe we should test but thinking in the back of my head, it couldn't be because I always had irregular cycles. I got home and went to the bathroom and took one of three tests... the first was positive right away and I just couldn't believe it so I took another....then I walked out of our bathroom showing both positive tests to my husband .. I was nervous and shaking because before we were married he had said he didn't like kids or want any kids....but after I told him I was indeed pregnant... he was happy.. I was relieved..... that same night we both called everyone in our families to tell them ... I am in the Marines so couldn't do this in person since his family is from Ohio and mines from Michigan and we live in North Carolina.... we called everyone and announced it on Facebook as soon as I got paperwork from our military doctors and told my chain of command because in the military you can not post things like this until your work knows. we were about five weeks and a week later I started bleeding we went from being so happy for this baby to losing it in a week...I was devastated and the same day I found out at the hospital I had to go back to work... I didn't have time to grieve..... I couldn't stop crying and walking away from of my Sergeants asked me what was wrong and I told him... he then told me to stick it out until the end of the day and that I didn't have to stay for field day... which is cleaning barracks rooms...etc. when I finally got to go home I had to check in with him every two hours to make sure I didn't do anything drastic... this was may 27th and my husband and I have been trying since. yesterday we were out boating with friends and I heard him say "we have been trying since our loss" this point it finally became real ...hearing him say it made me not feel guilty like I was making him do something he didn't I know he does... anyhow three days ago I tested at five dpo and got a faint positive but I know it's too waiting a week and testing again to see what happens...if it is indeed true, I plan to put my old baby blanket in a box with my first outfit and the test and give him this as a gift.