ACT 😭😭😭

Does anyone have any tips for it? I can't get my score past 23 no matter what I do. It's not like I'm a bad student or I'm not smart. I have a 4.0... I can only test 3 more times until i have to apply for scholarships and I really need the money from them 😥

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You can get a study guide from the library :) Also, science I've found is KILLER for a ton of people but its basically just reading+math. Don't focus on the actual info, just read the graph. I got a 30 on the science and I'm horrible at all things science but im a really good reader (33).


Posted at
I got a 32 and I'm convinced it's because I took like 6 timed practice tests so I could get the timing down. Once you get the timing it's cake, as the test is just basic fact/comprehension based and nothing conceptual. You'll be good. I was hungover when I took it too....😅


Rebekah • Jul 17, 2017
I might, my school offers them for free


Becca • Jul 17, 2017
You'll be good! You could always take a prep class of course


Rebekah • Jul 17, 2017
My score is high enough now to get into the college I want so I'm just worried about scholarships now...the one I need requires a score of 30


Posted at
I only got a 21, and I still got into 3 out of the 4 universities I applied to.


Posted at
Hmmm I scored a 28 on mine. It was so long ago, though. The science is what killed me because it was mostly physics, which I suck at. Have you taken any prep courses? You can find lots of prep books for cheap online or used bookstores. Is there a particular section you've had trouble with?


Rebekah • Jul 17, 2017
My school offers free prep classes, but I just don't feel like they'd help me. I think my problem is testing anxiety. I'll do good on three sections then do bad on one that'll bring the composite score down, and it's always a different bad section each time... I've taken it 6 or 7 times now. I made a 19 my first time, then 22-23 every other time since then