Wtf did just happen?? LONG post

Skip this part and I guess go to the second for a short version

I have no idea what to say or think or do. It's 330am and I am not home because my bf told me to leave. I thought things were going good and we were happy.. especially finding out I am 8-9weeks pregnant again. We started the day off okay, he was going to drop me off my moms house with our 8 month old. We left the house alil late then what I was wanted to but it was no big deal. While in the car my bf complains how his face is on fire I asked him what he meant and he said that the baby has been scratching him so much. I kinda laughed inside because she tries to do the same to me and I said "oh well don't let her touch your face" then he got SO defensive saying "what! do you hear yourself? How am I going to not let my own daughter touch my face! that's so wrong if she wants to she can" I was kinda surprise by his respond and tone of voice I then said "well then cut her nails so she won't scratch u anymore" which got him even more mad saying "do you hear yourself?" I was in disbelief on how he was acting and asked him what was going on, that what I said was just comments on what to do. We argued abit and asked him to just drop me off back home. He got me in a really bad mood and didn't want to be around my mom cus I know she would stir the pot abit more. He ignored me and kept driving even tho we were close by the house. I asked him again nicely and he said "no your going to your moms house" and we bicker a bit more. Told him if it was a inconvenience that I will just get off where I was (we were by a plaza i like going) he stopped the car at a red light and I tried getting off and I seen it got him even more mad so I stood in the car and he said "your mest up in the head" he kept repeating it and I started crying i called my mom telling her I was not going anymore and of course she heard me and was worried I just replied "I'm okay, he just got me mad" and we clicked. Again my bf snapped saying "wow u would blame it on me! Why are u telling her our business?" I didn't even try to fight him anymore I ended up getting drop off at DD and he left with our daughter. When I came back home he ignored me and still had an attitude. I didn't say anything but went to take a nap.

It was around 5pm and he put our baby to sleep too, around 9pm she woke up and I played with her for abit then took her downstairs he wasn't there but he walked in right when I was going to turn back. I asked him where he went and he said he was outside for a smoke and walked away. He went to his lil brothers room to play video games and I sat down next to them. After that everything seem fine. We started talking and watched shark tank and we were laughing,etc. I then asked him if it was fine if we went to get a ice cream cone (I know it was late) he said sure and we left around 11:30. On our way back home he asked to lend him 20$ I said okay and we went to take it out the bank machine. While he drove back home I really forgot what happen. Something he said or I said triggered him again and he said "wow do I have to sleep on the couch tonight" something didn't seem right because he's a big believer that a couple should always sleep on the same bed no matter if they fight. It made me mad and asked him what his problem was with that no one said he had to sleep on the couch. He then said "I don't wanna be anywhere near you" and it was hurting my feelings. I wish I would of just stopped talking but I didn't I told him I might as well just sleep at my parents and he said I should. Again idk what happen but next thing I kno he was saying I was tripping too much, to take it down a notch etc etc. he then took the $20 and said "here I don't even want this anymore thanks for the favor but I'm good" I laughed because he doesn't do these kind of things and started actin like him saying "wow stop tripping take a down a notch" it and he just started saying control your hormones, "shut the fuck up" which finally blew me, I told him "YOU stfu you need to STOP talking to me that way" he kept pushing my buttons saying I had to control my hormones. He then parked the car and threw me the keys (not hard but still rude) I threw them back and told him to learn how to give something to someone and not just throw it. He then threw it, it hit me. We went outside the house, it was locked. He started pounding the door for someone and to open. He kept saying "stfu" I don't even remember what was happening at this point next thing I know I got hit in the face. It was so dark outside to see anything but I was in shock. I cried and hit him back. Probably just slapped my hand on his body cus he 6foot something and I'm 5'2 he turned around to hit me again but his lil brother open the door. We went inside and upstairs. I was still crying he sat the baby down the bed with the car seat I ended up slapping some stuff off the counter because I was so mad. He turned around and slapped my left side of the face. He starts pushing me and slams me into the mini fridge we have upstairs. I knock it over when he pushed me and it falls and i fall too. Straight forward his mom comes upstairs. Starts yelling at us. I tell her her son is hitting me. She says something to him not much. It's happen before but a while ago like 9-10 month ago. She then says leave her alone and get some space. And looks at me and I know I disrespected her home and ther should be no drama but of course she's thinking the blame is on me. She says "you never seen me yell or fight with my husband" I know where she's going and i start to realize she will never defend me and I tell her "Yeah but does your husband hit you? does your husband disrespect you or does he talk down on you or calls u a bitch?" because I'm tired of his mom always defending him even if she swears she doesn't. She stays quite and my bf says "man just leave stop talking shit" his mom tells him stop with the fighting or pack his stuff and take it somewhere else then leaves. I stared crying cus I feel embarrassed. I tell him he is heartless and abusive to me at times. He says "well then leave" and that's not the respond I wanted. I tell him why is he doing this that he's hurting me but he don't care.

We been through a lot my first pregnancy and I forgave him for what he did. Our daughter doesn't even have his last name or he isn't on the bc. We were suppose to change that next month as his birthday gift. I know his mom had a thing against that for me. My dd will be 9m and Iam an idiot for getting pregnant again but in these 9months I though he completely changed. He also showed me he's a great father. there's still things he does like smoke weed but I learn to live with it as long he doesn't do it around us. Before I left I kept trying to speak to him and I was just embarrassing myself because he did not care or bother to say a word.. just kept asking me to leave so I left. I don't have a job I was a sahm n only got 2000 in my bank and no place to go. I miss my baby parents live in a apartment and my brother moved backed with them to help my dad with bills because my dad got injure at work and can't work right now. My sister moved back too because she broke up with her bf and now she sleeps in the dinning room. There is no space for us. The reason I even left my parents house was because my mom was talking down to me 2months after having my daughter for not doing "anything in my life" of course we are fine now but I can't bear to think I am a burden. Idk why he is doing this... I am mentally tired.

He broke two of my fake nails while I tried blocking him