Fix Crooked IUD?

Lizzie • 3-May-2006: started dating best man ever. 23-May-2014: married him. FurMommy to three rescue pups, Tiffany, Max, and Vincent.

I got the Paraguard in on Jun 1, 2017 and went back for my checkup on Jul 12, 2017. They said that it was crooked (see photo mockup) but still functional and may work its way eventually into the correct position. I am still having occasion quick stabbing pains though which I think may be a result of it being slightly out of place (

and am still within my first 3 months which has a higher rate of expulsion - which I hope the pains are not indicating since I have had them since the beginning) and am wondering if there is any way to sort of push it into place myself? Would an increase in intercourse, or fingering push it up there? Or maybe the muscle contractions associated with orgasm?