Finally pregnant??


For the past 9 plus months my husband and I have been trying for our second. Since I have breastfed from day one my period didn't come back until about two months ago and my cycles were around 44 days long. In the mean time I took countless pregnancy tests thinking that my period was late and had nothing but negative results. It wasn't until I really started tracking my fertility signs that I kind of got a hang of things, though I still don't really understand my own body. Lol. Well after hundreds of let downs I lost hope. My heart broke more and more with every test and I honestly thought there was something wrong with me. That is until this morning!! I took one test for the shits and giggled and my heart jumped out of my chest when that second line began to manifest. I could not believe it and nearly screamed! To make sure it wasn't a faulty test I took 3 more and they all came back positive!! I am beyond excited but I really don't want to get my hopes up!