Craziest feelings...

Noemi • Proud FTM to my beautiful baby girl Melanie Jazmin

I never imagined being a mom would be so...crazy. In all the aspects. I'm stressed, I'm sleepy, I'm sad, I'm mad, I'm happy, I'm joyful, I'm excited, and I'm also terrified. Being a mom has brought new feelings to me that I've never felt before. This intense love I feel for my precious little daughter is inexplicable. I will love her like nothing else on this planet even though she'll cry and fuss for what seems like forever. I don't care about anything else, or anyone else. I'm not really worrying that her father isn't in the picture a lot. I'm not worried about all my problems. I'm worried about her and only her. I care about everything else but I put her before everything. I feel like no one understands what I feel, but at the same time maybe all moms understand?. I know other moms love their children to death, but this love for MY daughter is unimaginable! I never thought I would feel like this. I feel like some moms are just like "whatever" about their kids or maybe it's just me but I want to hold and cuddle and kiss my little girl ALL the time, no matter where I am. I can truly say I have a mission in life and it's to love, guide, and take care of this little human that was created inside of me.