We're all in this together



..but damn! It's so hard seeing these negatives. I tested a couple days before my missed period with my son and got a BFP, which is making this 10x harder. I know every pregnancy is different, but with the way I've been feeling, I'm convinced I'm pregnant. I've been oddly tired, some uncomfortable pain on my right side (which I experienced with my first pregnancy before I tested) and now my boobs are sore and my nipples are super sensitive. Almost feels like as if they were

about to "let down" before nursing. My period is due tomorrow and I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I had a faint line on a blue dye test but who knows with those! Baby dust to all of you! ✨

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Oh my gosh girl you should get cheapies first! I can't imagine how much money your spending on tests each month!


se • Jul 17, 2017
Good! They are worth it. Then once you get a positive on them you can switch over to the fancy tests to confirm!


Ka • Jul 17, 2017
I ordered a bunch from amazon for cheap lol. I plan on switching over to the cheapies 🙈