Income cutting in half

My husband works for a pipeline, and he makes ALOT of money. Over $5000/month. I have cancer, so our medical bills are through the roof, not to mention our day to day bills. He also travels so we spend about 500 in gas. Anyways, we just found out in October, he will be put with a new crew, but we will only be bringing in $2000. That's no where near enough for our bills. I cannot work, because of the hours he will be working he won't beable to get a second job, so we are pretty much screwed. We have started looking for other jobs already but this is beyond stressful. I'm pregnant and very high risk as it is. I just need to rant. The state we live in isn't good when it comes to welfare, I don't qualify for medical. We were planning on buying a house next year and doing what we can in case I don't beat this, but that's out of the question now. Why us 😩😩😩😩 I just pray something will change and they keep him on this crew