10 years a failure

Magdalena • 👶🏻7 May 2020, after 11 years TTC w/ PCOS. Married in Barbados, Sept 2016. Zoologist. Line manager

I'm out again.

I had my first ever embryo transfer after TTC nearly 10 years just to get them to let me try <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> and guess what?! I had severe pain, bloating and started bleeding 2 days before the beta blood hcg.

So bad I had to go to A&E.; Also been going through absolute hell with my husband. He has abandoned me twice while I was going through all of it and didn't even come to the hospital and I found out he's been lying to me since I first met him about a LOAD of stuff. He was messaging other women and signed up to dating sites because he thought we were going to split, so much more I'm just too upset to write it all out... when I needed him the most, he ran and I had to go and get him from his mum's house like he's a damn child!

Now my step father is in custody for hitting my disabled 60 year old mother last night. I basically ran home from work and police were already there.

F.M.L. How much more do I need to take before I catch a damn break?!

I've seen the consultant again, of course the beta was negative so I had the next available appointment. I believe I was then on CD6 so they want to see me again on 1st Aug to decide if I want to go ahead and use 1 or both of he frozen embryos on the next cycle as they want me medicated on it again.

IF I go ahead I will ask for scratching and glue and probably ask for both in case 1 sticks. The consultant said it looked like I had mild OHSS as well.

Haven't been online at all for a while. I just feel so down.

At least I suppose, as I went to my husbands parents house to find him, I sat and talked with his mother and father for about 6 hours - turns out everything he'd told me about them since I met him was a pack of lies. I'd basically been at war with his mother and brother because of horror stories he'd told me about how they'd treated him and stuff. No one understands why he's been compulsively lying to everyone but I actually get on quite well with them.

I still don't know if I will stay with him - too much for me to write here but so much for me thinking he was my Prince Charming! I've had to ask for help for "reactive depression" because of what he's been putting me through...

So down...