D date changed!!! 😳


Just left my 31 weeks appointment and OB says they're moving my c-section up a week, possibly even two depending on how my blood pressure does the next few weeks. I'm ok with moving it up a week but two just seems too soon! lol I still don't have a single thing ready and we're still rearranging our house. I haven't even bought the first pack of diapers! I was already behind because we only have 7 1/2 weeks left but that was suddenly cut down even more and now I'm panicking, like a lot!!!! lol Thankfully this is our second (and last) so I know more of what we NEED to have done but still, I just feel so unprepared! Sorry, just needed somewhere to vent my freak out! 😂 Due date is September 16, original c-section date was September 11 but now we're looking at September 4...but possibly August 28!!!! (Is it weird I don't want an August baby because I've had my head set she would be born in September 😂)