How important is it that your SO likes your family?

My SO of almost 3 years spent the weekend with my family at my house and it was kind of eye opening. He barely talked to them and would hide up in the room we were staying in texting his friends instead. We never had a solid conversation with them and to me, he lacked social graces (he's 24 so I feel like he should know better). And this morning, we agreed to leave at 10, he packed his stuff in the car by 9 without saying anything to my family. When I tried to talk to him, he exploded and ended the conversation. Needless to say, my family noticed the 'tude and have asked me not to bring him back if it stresses him out so much. We went to visit my family and explore the coast of our state since I live 5 minutes from the beach.

I tend not to be traditional when it comes to relationships, but I do want to be close with my parents and 2 brothers as I get older and if/when I start my own family (especially since I'm going to med school, I'll need the support).

I feel like this may be a deal breaker or am I overreacting?

PS this isn't his first time with this behavior. And I always make sure to speak to his parents when I visit and I genuinely enjoy their company.