Who's in the wrong here?!?

Yesterday, my aunt and my mom had a mild disagreement about what a commercial line had said (the Cheeto one with the dad, they were disagreeing on what the dad said about the cat eating cheetos). Well, today, it played once when I was busy doing something, and my aunt tried to get my attention on the commercial, so I could prove that she was right about the line-by the time I got there it was too late. A little later, it played again, but I had my headphones in, and missed it. She proceeded to tell me that I could "go fuck myself". I asked what her problem was, what the big deal was, and she said " I'm sick of your attitude. It's time for you to get out of this house." Then proceeded to list all of my faults. Wtf???? Do I have a right to be as pissed as I am??

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