Can I just rant here...


I don't want to be the negative post but I really want to let it out.

Just now my mom had her friend over the house and her friend said "Your daughter is so fat!" This is kinda the norm for me because I've heard this all my life being in a Vietnamese family. My mom just said "it's the junk food they feed her in college." And the friend continued to show her picture of her daughters and other people's daughters who are slimmer and prettier. When the friend left my mom yelled at me calling me fat and said I should exercise.

She often says that she hates me and is too embarrassed to be in public with me because of my appearance. I am always told that my mom doesn't see me as human but a cow and I believe her because whenever she talks to me she's yelling and comments on my fat. It's clear that she doesn't see me as a person but as a fat percentage. She tells all her friends and family how fat and not good enough I am.

I get it. I should be fit and healthy for a good number of reasons and to be honest... I have been starting without her knowing and during the times she left me alone for a bit. I'm trying to eat less. But even if I tell her that she doesn't believe it. I am trying to exercise because I want to feel better about myself yet more she screams the more I don't want to. I tell her this but she screams "I say these things because you don't listen anyway!"

I have a very bad relationship with my mom because we can't seem to communicate without screaming at each other. During my high school days I've tried to keep my mouth shut but the yelling never stopped and it pushes my buttons. I told her that her yelling makes me angry and she said I am her child and I have no right to yell back and that she has the right because she's my mom. She says I have no right to be angry.