Bottle suggestions? How to skip a night pump?


So this post has multiple questions...

I have been exclusively pumping since I left the hospital. My daughter is a slow eater, mostly because she falls asleep during almost every feed...

When she was only eating 1 or 1.5 oz it was bearable, but the doctor recommended we bump it up to 2 oz (she is 2 weeks old) because she only gained .5 oz last week. She is tiny 5lbs 9 oz so she doesn't have any weight that we can afford to lose😬

Problem is that it takes forever, especially at night. It just took me an hour to feed her 2 oz. I change her before, make sure she doesn't have a blanket on, use a damp washcloth, nothing keeps her awake!!! Also she appears like she's sucking and swallowing and then she will just spit it all out!

So after I've just fed her for an hour, then I have to pump! It's insane and it's making me want to quit. I have been up now for an hour and a half just for a feeding and pumping session. At this rate I'm never going to sleep!!!

So my questions are, does anyone have bottle suggestions for slow eaters or weak suckers/swallowers?

Also, can I skip nighttime pumps? How can I start to so my boobs don't overfill and get infected? I can't continue to feed for an hour and pump for 20 ply minutes after... I'm so overwhelmed!!!