Too early to test?


Hi :)

My wife and I have recently been trying 😬. Her last period began 5/30 and is on a 28 day cycle. Her periods only last about 3 days. She had her typical pre-period (is that even a word) symptoms such as enlarged/sore breasts and bloating. Her period was supposed to start on 6/28.

On 7/1 we had sex and immediately the next few days she started cramping (never had cramping associated with her period EVER) and was spotting. Real light and it was almost brown colored. We assumed she "skipped her period".

She states she doesn't feel different. I have noticed her vaginal discharge, at the moment, is thick and white. No smell. Yesterday She thought she peed herself but it was discharge.

We took a couple pregnancy tests but turned out negative.

How soon can we take a pregnancy test and do the symptoms sound like we have a chance?

I'm so impatient it's ridiculous. I apologize in advance for the novel