Struggling ...


We miscarried on May 1st, given news at our 11th week check up, fast forward to now and I've since found out I have PCOS. We are currently in our first cycle since the miscarriage and was given clomid (which worked first time with our last pregnancy) but the doc claimed it hasn't worked for this cycle. I had another appointment set up with a specialist as I felt the treatment I was getting from the current gyno wasn't good enough. When I met with the fertility spécialist she told me the cycle wasn't over it's was slower, she monitored me and the follicle grew and yesterday at 7.30am she triggered me and advised I should ovulate the following evening at 6pm and we should have sex that night, the next morning and the following evening. We have managed the night of the trigger shot, but husband couldn't perform this morning and not sure about tonight as we are both in busy time of demanding jobs this week. We did have sex Saturday and Sunday - before I knew I was getting a trigger shot. Do you think we still have a chance? I feel awful for putting my husband through this and he feels guilty he couldn't perform on demand this morning before work. Anyone have any advice? I feel like it's just not meant to be and we should give up.