So done with my marriage

I'm married to this man for 5 years and we have 4 kids. Is ever been so stressful for a reason or another and we always argued. In the past year he has beat me twice and every time begged me for forgiveness and he said he will never do it again.He says he doesn't want to be "that man" who beats his wife but he is.He calls me all the names under the sun, this morning called me a stupid cow because I put his short in the washing basket when they weren't dirty. We live in a small house I don't want to live in because the rent is so expensive and we could get so much better and a bigger house for the kids in another part but my opinion won't even matter.He says I've got issues, he blames me for everything. He said i'm useless and nobody wants to be around me, I have no friends.Anyway there is a lot to say, we do get along when we not arguing but that's just not very often. I wanted to leave, still do but have no one that could help me with my 4 kids and also don't want to give up my work:( I've never thought this will happen in my marriage, I'm usually a strong, happy girl. Feel defeated now:(