Will you let visitors kiss your newborn?

Hayley • ~IT'S A GIRL!! 💕baby # 2 due May/June 2019~ 💙William Jack 17-08-17 💙

I just read an article about a 1 week old who had to be hospitalised after someone with the herpes coldsore virus kissed her and she got meningitis... I've already let my family know they can't visit unless they've had their whooping cough vacc and everyone will need to sanitise their hands but I never even thought about the kissing!! what are your plans? I know several family members who have had coldsores and now I'm afraid to let anyone kiss him 😕 edit: how did you let people know you didn't want anyone to kiss them? did you wait till they came? fb message? I feel like I will be judged by some family members if I ask them not to... 😐