Abusive relationship

Why do we find it so hard to leave an abusive relationship?

I found out mine cheated last weekend .. and she moved out but she still thinks she's coming home .. I feel like I'm so weak... I feel so scared .. and I feel like she has all I have known for 5 years :(

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It's hard to leave an abusive relationship because it's comfortable. Although the relationship may not be easy, it's easy to continuously go back to something you know. They say it will never be the same and they'll change this time but it's always the same with them. It will never change and staying with someone who doesn't treat you the way you deserve is making you miss out on so much good. There are good relationships and good people still left in the world. Don't let one relationship stop you from finding the actual love of your life. The one who will hold you up when you are weak, and make you laugh until cry. Abusers isolate you from things you love and that make you happy so it's easy to be with them because it's all you know. Be strong. I know you can!


🕷 • Jul 18, 2017
I would also like to ad that in an emotionally abusive relationship, he will always convince you that what he's saying is true, and it's hard not to believe him because he DID isolate you from everything else so he is all you know. I had an ex that kept telling me I was mentally insane. He admitted me into a treatment program, made sure they put me on a bunch of meds, and once I got kicked out (I didn't want to be there so I had a hard time being there so they kicked me out) he was mad at me and still made me go to doctors to keep up with meds. I never needed to be on them.


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Abusive people are ALWAYS the best manipulators. They tell you everything you want to hear. They make you feel crazy for even being upset about the cheating or abuse. It's totally fucked up how they mess with our minds. The ONLY way I was able to get away from my abuser was to block him from every aspect of my life. My phone, social media.. etc. I had to stop hanging out with people I thought were my "friends"... because he would lie to everyone about me. I couldn't take it anymore. I knew I deserved better and I refused to let myself feel that way ever again. Be strong. It hurts because you cared for this person and they broke you. But this pain will come again and again if you don't stay strong now. You will wake up one day and be so happy that you walked away when you did. No one deserves to be abused or cheated on. You will find someone who loves and respects you. Don't settle for anything less than everything you want.


Ashlin • Jul 18, 2017
It's the truth! I literally wrote out a list of everything I wanted out of a future relationship. If the people I started to date didn't meet my expectations, I let them go. One day this great guy walked into my life and showed me that all of those things are possible in a partner. We aren't perfect by any means but we respect and love each other and that to me is the most important thing to get through life's road bumps. You are right, people don't need to be in your life if they can't treat you the way you deserve!!!


Chanel • Jul 18, 2017
I love what you wrote! and the last sentence!!! I give ppl I'm starting to date a hard time bc I've overcome abuse, and I will no longer accept mediocre half ass fair weather love. Ppl don't need to be in my life if they can't handle my high standard of how I expect to be treated. It instantly shows me they may be abusive too (as those of us who've been there unintentionally find others similar)