How many of you mommies breastfeed only and how many give bottle as a complement?!


I am a new mommy and this is my first baby, it's a baby boy, he is 3 weeks. Sometimes my milk supply is not enough and I give him formula to complement. I am afraid the baby will forget how to be breastfed if I go for long periods of time giving bottle only. Can it happen? Will I produce less milk if I'm not the main source of food for my baby?

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Why do you think your milk supply isn't enough? Using formula will lower your supply. It's difficult, but not impossible, to inclusively breastfeed. If there's no weight or diaper issue giving formula is unnecessary.


Fl • Jul 19, 2017
yes it's hard but breastfeed baby on demand, it will get better but the beginning is hard work


Fe • Jul 18, 2017
That sounds like completely normal three week old behavior. He's trying to establish your supply, which is critical in the first six weeks. The more supplementation the less milk you'll make. Your baby knows what he's doing. If there isn't a weight or diaper issue you DO NOT have low supply. Constantly nursing is normal behavior, whether it's for nutrition or comfort.


Robin • Jul 18, 2017
That sounds like it could just be cluster feeding behavior, but ask your pediatrician. Generally, if you're seeing enough wet diapers, you are ok.


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if you supplement you will lose your milk would need to power pump before during or after giving a formula bottle to keep your supply upbreastfeeding works as a demand and supply, baby demands milk by nursing and your body responds by making the appropriate amount


✩M • Jul 18, 2017
This. My son is 10 months and still breastfeeding and it is most definitely supply and demand. Baby won't forget how to feed, but your supply will go down if you supplement with formula and don't pump.


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Yes to both. Baby might not want to breastfeed because the bottle is easier. Usually they have to work a lot less to get more.Also, by supplementing, you are decreasing your supply. Your body suddenly saw that the milk you produced was not necessary for that feed and it responds by making less. Your baby stimulates your supply.If you want to supplement, you should wait until your supply is well established which could help alleviate the supply issue a bit. Most lactation consultants will tell you that happens by 2-3 months (and can vary from person to person).In the meantime, you CAN give a bottle (4-6 weeks is an ideal time) IF it is pumped breastmilk without risking your supply much.