My birth story after two months I finally have time to post 🤗

Noemi • Proud FTM to my beautiful baby girl Melanie Jazmin

I was due the 28th of April but baby girl had no plans on coming out those days so I was scheduled to be induced on may 5. Well I started getting contractions on may 3rd, they were not painful just felt like mild period cramps. May 4 contractions were getting stronger and I felt like I couldn't really walk whenever I felt one but they were still too far apart. That night I felt I couldn't handle the pain and this was just the beginning! I didn't think I could have a natural birth without epidural. I called my SO around 1am to take me to the hospital but unfortunately he had a problem with the police he was dealing with. I waited and waited for what seemed like forever! In the end I decided to wait for my scheduled time which was that morning at 8am. Well I was all ready to head over to the hospital and let my SO know to come pick me up 720am. Bad thing-he fell back asleep after hanging up the phone😑 I couldn't make it in time so I called to let them know I will be in around 10am. SO did not wake up! I called mom and she had to take me! I was so mad and contractions were NOT helping! We got to the hospital exactly at 10 where they took me to my room and started me on pitocin. Cervix was closed😑 but she was in position. Contractions were getting worse by the hour and I was moaning loudly I thought everyone could hear me lol. My SO had to work that day so he was at the hospital at midnight. I made it through the night WITHOUT any sleep whatsoever. I didn't have any food at all I didn't even feel hunger! By 4pm doctor broke my water and it felt like the most disgusting thing ever I threw up a little. Contractions got waaaay worse after and I didn't think they could be any more painful. Boy was I wrong! By 7pm I finally asked for the epidural. I felt like a failure. My entire pregnancy I wanted to have a med free birth. My mom told me countless times not to get it. But I couldn't handle the pain. I kinda knew I was going to get it anyways I was just trying really hard to go as long as possible. I was finally able to get some sleep but not so much. By 10pm I was 7cm dilated and by midnight I was at a 9. I ended up getting an infection. I didn't really feel any pain because of the epidural so that was great 👍. 1am may 7 i was finally at a 10! I started pushing and we could quickly see the head I was so excited but the pressure was intense! I pushed and pushed for two hours! When the doctor finally came in i felt my vagina was about to rip I felt I couldn't do this even tho I had the epidural I felt a lot! I was screaming I can't do it! But the nurses were talking to me telling me yes you can! It was soo hot I was chewing on ice lol. Well every time I had to push for 10 seconds my SO always started counting way too late and it pissed me off lol and I didn't want anyone to touch me except when I was pushing. Well after two hours my baby girl finally popped out and weighed 7lbs 2oz and was 19 long. She's was the most perfect baby with a lot of hair! She was beautiful and looked like a little doll. It was honestly the most painful yet wonderful moment in my life! Here's some pictures of my precious baby girl now at almost 2 1/2 months ❤️