8 months

Kelbe • 27 | Wife | Dog mom | TTC #1 |

My husband & I started ttc 8 months ago. We had the misconception that you can get pregnant right away. And boy were we wrong.

We tried tracking my ovulation at first, but stopped because we felt it took away from the fun of it. I've done everything I feel like. Eaten pineapple core, kept my hips elevated after sex for 15 minutes, we're back to <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a>, I've seen my OBGYN, my husband tested his fertility, I've taken fertility pills (until my OB said to stop). I feel I've done it all. And I've had zero luck. I'm 26, in good health, perfect weight. My husbands 26 even better health & weight. I'm just so frustrated. I had surgery on my ovary in May, had a cyst rupture inside one. And my OB didn't scrape my ovary out or anything because she knew I wanted children. She told me my insides were perfect and I should have no problem. And I know that it can take a while, even though you grow up thinking you can get pregnant just by looking at someone (exaggeration).

I guess I just want to see if anyone has any tips or tricks I haven't thought of. My period is due the 24th. And I've been having slight cramps on one side the last few days. But I'm not getting my hopes up. Knowing me I'll get AF early.