Think she is cheating do u think so

This all started about two to three years ago. I thought my significant other was cheating on me. While I was away at school. She would invite female friends over and wouldn't tell me about it. After the first time I found out. I told her to just let me know who she wanted to come over out of respect for our house hold. She said ok. About a week later I call home and she says that one of her male friends just let and I was so upset because We had just spoke about this. About two days later we are talking on the phone and she says he came over to get a plate to eat and he didn't Even come in the house. The same weekend I came home and was talk with our son and he told me that he did come in and was sitting in the living room eating. I was so mad I can't even put it words. I started talking to a female friend of ours to see if I was over reacting. So now I have emotionally cheated on My significant other with a female friend of ours. It was bad we started talking sexually. About a week of that we both realized what we was doing was bad so we stopped. That same weekend I go home. My significant other find out that we was talking sexually. The hold weekend was trashed due to this. That Sunday I started driving back to school. Her phone was broken at this time so she used her Instagram to take to people. Now I have her password to this but she didn't know I did. I look at her message on there and literally 5 minutes after I left she contacts the male friend to come over that night around 11 so I turn around. She says it was nothing and she needed some someone to talk to. So I let it go. After a while she stopped talking to him. Fast forward to now she has started back talking to him on all social media sites and goes to the gym with him. He better us her food every now and then. SHOULD I BE WORRIED!!!! Please help.

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